1,448 research outputs found

    Conformational Dynamics of Biomolecules by Trapped Ion Mobility Spectrometry Dynamics

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    One of the main goals in structural biology is to understand the folding mechanisms and three-dimensional structure of biomolecules. Many biomolecular systems adopt multiple structures as a function of their microenvironment, which makes them difficult to be characterized by traditional structural biology tools (e.g., NMR, X-ray crystallography). As an alternative, complementary tools that can capture and sample multiple conformations needed to be developed. In the present work, we pioneered the application of a new variant of ion mobility spectrometry, trapped ion mobility spectrometry (TIMS), which provides high mobility resolving power and the possibility to study kinetically trapped intermediates as a function of the starting solution (e.g., pH and organic content) and gas-phase conditions (e.g., collisional activation, molecular dopants, hydrogen/deuterium back-exchange). When coupled to mass spectrometry (TIMS-MS), action spectroscopy (IRMPD), molecular dynamics and biochemical approaches (e.g., fluorescence lifetime spectroscopy), a comprehensive description of the biomolecules dynamics and tridimensional structural can be obtained. These new set of tools were applied for the first time to the study of Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide (FAD), Nicotineamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD), globular protein cytochrome c (cyt c), the 31 knot YibK protein, 52 knot ubiquitin C terminal hydrolase (UCH) protein, and the 61 knot halo acid dehydrogenase (DehI) protein

    La compatibilidad entre el principio de responsabilidad personal y el garantismo

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    Artículo de reflexiónEn las últimas décadas el garantismo se desarrolla como una de las más importantes tendencias jurídicas de contenido político y social dentro del desarrollo jurídico de los Estados constitucionales modernos, capaz incluso de influenciar la manera en que los Estados desarrollan sus funciones y materializan sus fines al modificar la manera en que el Estado se comprende a sí mismo y por tanto forzándolo a desarrollarse de una manera mucho más específica. A pesar de esto, con el fin de comprender la forma en que se desarrolla esta tendencia jurídico política más allá de la teoría es necesario hacer una revisión de la forma en que esta se vincula con otras tendencias de contenido moralista, con el fin de comprender a cabalidad la forma en que el garantismo propuesto por Luigi Ferrajoli es capaz de desarrollar adecuadamente una influencia positiva no solo dentro de la forma en que se desarrollan los Estados, sino en la forma en que se desarrollan a su vez los seres humanos dentro de estos, para lo cual se hará uso del principio de responsabilidad personal propuesto por Ronald dworkin, con el fin de demostrar la forma en que estas dos propuestas se acoplan adecuadamente la una con la otra otorgando un resultado positivo para el desarrollo de la estructura social.PregradoAbogad

    National study of Water footprint agricultural sector in Colombia

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    El propósito de este estudio es, mediante la conceptualización del indicador de Huella Hídrica, ayudar a fortalecer el posicionamiento de los diferentes sectores, sociedad civil, empresas y gobierno, frente al tema de la sostenibilidad del agua, mostrando impactos asociados al desarrollo de las actividades económicas y sociales y sus implicaciones frente a la sostenibilidad y disponibilidad del recurso hídrico, el cual se identifica como motor fundamental para el desarrollo social y económico del país. En lo referente a la cuantificación de cada uno de los componentes de la Huella Hídrica, se pretende hacer énfasis en el análisis individual de cada una: Huella Verde, Azul y Gris; identificando el potencial de información que ofrecen individualmente en lo relativo a sus impactos asociados a variables económicas, sociales y ambientales de los sectores productivos y consumidores de la zona estudiada; todo fuertemente orientado al carácter geográfico explícito del indicador.The key intention of this study is strengthen the sectors private, public and social, through the conceptualization of the Water Footprint in front of water sustainability, showing impacts associated with economic development and social activities and its implications concerning the water resource availability, which is identified as a key driver for social and economic development. In relation to quantification of each component of the Water Footprint, the study wants highlighting the individual analysis of this components: Green, Blue and Gray Water Footprint; identifying the information that those components can offer separately in order to identify impacts related with economic, social and environmental issues of the producers and consumers in a particular geographic area; all the information is strongly associated with the explicit geographic characteristic of the indicator.Peer Reviewe

    Impedance control for legged robots: an insight into the concepts involved

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    The application of impedance control strategies to modern legged locomotion is analyzed, paying special attention to the concepts behind its implementation which is not straightforward. In order to implement a functional impedance controller for a walking mechanism, the concepts of contact, impact, friction, and impedance have to be merged together. A literature review and a comprehensive analysis are presented compiling all these concepts along with a discussion on position-based versus force-based impedance control approaches, and a theoretical model of a robotic leg in contact with its environment is introduced. A theoretical control scheme for the legs of a general legged robot is also introduced, and some simulations results are presented

    Metástasis en hueso maxilar superior de adenocarcinoma de esófago: presentación de un caso clínico

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    Las metástasis en cavidad oral son lesiones raras que representan aproximadamente el 1% de todas las neoplasias malignas de cavidad oral. Las metástasis orales se localizan en un 80-90% en mandíbula, siendo mas raras en maxilar superior. Las metástasis en tejidos blandos de boca son raras, y es encía donde con mayor frecuencia se localizan las metástasis en tejidos blandos en boca. Los tumores primarios que metastatizan a boca son los más frecuentes pulmón, mama y riñón. Las metástasis en cavidad oral es como consecuencia de una diseminación a distancia de la enfermedad e indica un mal pronóstico, con una supervivencia corta. Aquí presentamos un caso clínico de un paciente diagnosticado de adenocarcinoma de esófago que presentó metastasis en hueso maxilar superior izquierdo.Metastases in the oral cavity are rare lesions which represent approximately 1% of all malignant neoplasms in the oral cavity. Oral metastases are located in the mandible 80-90% on average, the maxilla location being rarer. Metastases in mouth soft tissue are also rare, and within these it is on the gums where they more frequently occur. Primary tumours which metastasize to mouth are most commonly: lung, breast and kidney. Oral cavity metastases appear as a result of distant disease spreading and show wrong prognosis, with short survival. Here we present a clinical case of a patient diagnosed with esophagus adenocarcinoma which presented metastasis in upper-left maxillary bone

    Creación de una empresa distribuidora de alimentos

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    La empresa Distribuidora de alimentos Juan David Arévalo es una compañía que nace para lograr satisfacer las necesidades de la industria de alimentos, se encarga de la compra, venta y entrega de productos alimenticios de la más alta calidad que cumplen con todos los estándares de calidad y exigidos por la ley. La empresa se encarga adicionalmente a la venta de la logística de entrega de todos nuestros productos cumpliendo con todos los protocolos de transporte y manipulación de alimentos exigidos por los entes de control tales como el Invima, Ministerio de Protección Social y la secretaria de Salud.Distribuidora de alimentos Juan David Arevalo is a company created in order to satisfy the needs of the food industry, is responsible for the purchase, sale and delivery of food products of the highest quality that meet all quality standards and required by law. The company is additionally responsible for the sale of the logistics of delivery of all our compliance with all transport protocols and food handling required by the control entities such as Invima, Ministerio de proteccion social and secretaria de salud. In the area of marketing and distribution of food in Colombia more than a problem of shortage or instability in prices as in many other countries, there's a cultural problem in many people and many organizations regarding the accountability and compliance with all terms written or verbal contract customers and suppliers. In the food sector this meeting is critical because many foods are perishable and require refrigeration or have different requirements. By the nature of our clients who work with private entities (schools, casinos) and public institutions (prisons, hospitals, police stations) requirements by the company they are very high because they have all the routines and operating time quality control of products and services from the control entities.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Sustainable Energy Model for the Production of Biomass Briquettes Based on Rice Husks in Peruvian Low-Income Agricultural Areas

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    An energy model focuses on the sustainability of environmental proposals that use clean biomass technology. In this case, briquette production seeks to generate socio-environmental development in agricultural areas contaminated by the burning of rice husks. However, this agricultural waste product has a large heating capacity and can be used as a raw material for briquette production, replacing conventional contaminant fuels such as firewood and reducing Peru’s annual energy consumption by approximately 833,000 kg of CO2 per year, considering the minimization of emissions from the felling of trees and the burning of rice husks. These rice husks are burned and generate pollutant gases, causing respiratory and pulmonary problems. Despite these negative effects, it is an agricultural waste product with great untapped energy potential and constitutes an opportunity to promote socio-environmental development based on economic valorization. The level of deforestation would decrease by approximately 2070 trees per year, 23% of a market population which consumes 10 kg of firewood per day. Unlike similar projects, briquette production sustainability may be achieved when economic, environmental and social aspects are included in energy model development, based on the application of clean technology and efficient management of energy supplies, such as husk supplies and corresponding briquettes
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